- uircd
Micro IRC daemon for POSIX
uircd supports a small subset (see SUBSET) of the original rfc1459 standard.
This subset is intended to contain the minimal required commands to
effectively run a private IRC server. User management is non-existent
and all identifying commands have been left out. Connection
administration should be controlled on the network level; the only
filtering that uircd has is a simple PASS check. uircd is designed to be as
transparent as possible -- patching the source should be painless.
- ufeed [git]
Micro RSS feed parser for POSIX
Has no networking, no displaying capabilities, and
does no string manipulation. Extracts meaningful
information from an RSS stream.
curl -s URL | ufeed | dmenu | xargs elinks
- ssrs [git]
Simple Spaced Repetition Software
Handles the underlying SRS logic, so you can mix and match the
bare cli, some shell script, or even software built
on top of ssrs, without loosing progress!
ls CARD_DIR | ssrs -r 1 | sent